About this Blog

Hello i am Mat and i am a true food enthusiast. Cooking isn't just cooking it is more than that. It is the ingredients that you use, the way you arrange your dish and of course it is the people you share your food with that makes cooking so special. I put my heart and soul into it every time i prepare a meal for myself and others. Lot's of people spend heeps of money on shopping I spend money to get the best ingredients there are to make the best dish I can. This blog will mainly focus on food and travel but I also want to talk about everyday topics. Cant wait to read your guys comments!

Mat the German Food Ambassador

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Captain`s log, Stardate: monastary time

The Varsana monastary is located right next to the village of Granada in the district of Cundinamarca. Apparently there are 3 Granadas so if you want to come to Varsana make sure its the right one. Their property is freakin huge and comprises numerous houses, an obstacle park, an organic garden and of course they have their own river as well.

The whole place is run and maintained by aprox 20 resident monks and nuns. Their age ranges between early 20`s and 30`s. This place comes close to paradise if there wasn`t the Panamericana which lies only meters away from their centre. One of South Americas busiest roads.
Its been almost 4 weeks for me here and I simply cannot get used to the relentless noise of traffic. I am so glad i brought my earplugs.

Traffic is also the word that comes to my mind when I think of Bogota. When I think back of how i got here...
Makes we wanna stay here forever but then there is the constant traffic noise. So I will try to find myself some place quiet place next.

So how did I get here???

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