About this Blog

Hello i am Mat and i am a true food enthusiast. Cooking isn't just cooking it is more than that. It is the ingredients that you use, the way you arrange your dish and of course it is the people you share your food with that makes cooking so special. I put my heart and soul into it every time i prepare a meal for myself and others. Lot's of people spend heeps of money on shopping I spend money to get the best ingredients there are to make the best dish I can. This blog will mainly focus on food and travel but I also want to talk about everyday topics. Cant wait to read your guys comments!

Mat the German Food Ambassador

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Captain's log, Stardate: time to pray (The bus ride part 1)

I really was hoping for the window seat so I could at least lean my head against the window and dose off for a bit. But no. Remember my luck with seatbuddies in the past? This time it wasn't a plain but i almost felt like it. In the last minute a fat woman (guys you have to believe me I have nothing against obese people) gets into the front seat so I have to move to the left. Fortunately I  have a tiny ass. But still... To my left there is the driver rubbing the gear stick against my left legg. This is evern worse than the fuckin plane I think. No sleep for myself then.

Both of the people are very nice. They try to make small talk with me  but again the spanish I learned in school fails me and we remain silent for the rest of the ride. Even if my spanish had been good enough I am sure I would not have been able to follow any conversation as my eyes were too busy processing what was going on in front of me. I have to tell you the traffic here is something else really. The scenes I saw very much reminded me of cocumentaries I had watched about India or Thailand. Motorbikes with 4 people riding it plus additional pets. Vehicles of any shape, size and colour. And then there is the lights...

In addition to the headlights, rear lights and indicators every verhicle has extra LED lights, even the motorbikes. The colours of the lights vary from pink to blue and from green to black light. Were I am from this is considered as light pollution and a major distraction from the road.

Not in good ol' Germany guys.

The country of rules and regulations. I think  we are even the inventors of the DIN A format if I am not mistaken. It really wouldn't suprise me

So I am getting into the fairground mood. I like lights and colours. Though this mood doesn't las very long, a ferrys wheel doesn't produce fumes. I know that the air I am breathing is not exactly what my body needs right now and I have to cough a lot. Think I am going to pass on my good night cigarette. Or am I?

To get a better Picture of Bogota's traffic here is a little guide to this madness.
The rules are pretty simple actually:

Rule No 1 
The fastest or the one who dares the most wins. It is not even the size of your vehicle that determines whether you are respected or not. People overtake from left to right and from right to left

Rule No 2
There are no rules....

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