About this Blog

Hello i am Mat and i am a true food enthusiast. Cooking isn't just cooking it is more than that. It is the ingredients that you use, the way you arrange your dish and of course it is the people you share your food with that makes cooking so special. I put my heart and soul into it every time i prepare a meal for myself and others. Lot's of people spend heeps of money on shopping I spend money to get the best ingredients there are to make the best dish I can. This blog will mainly focus on food and travel but I also want to talk about everyday topics. Cant wait to read your guys comments!

Mat the German Food Ambassador

Monday 2 June 2014

My first post

is about what i think to be the best cuisine in the world. The Japanese Cuisine!!
Everything about japanese cooking is so thoroghly thought trough don't you think?
Only the freshest ingredients are good enough for the japanese chefs and what they do with it...

It starts with the knives they got knives for every purpose.
I myself love the unagi knive a knive only made for cutting eel. I think this is crazy yet beautiful:-)

By the way if you are looking for any proper japanese knives make sure you check out this website

They are so stylistically confident it is crazy. The pottery, the way they arrange the food on a plate...
Of course they only use local and seasonal ingredients and complement the whole dish with seasonal decoration. There is even a fifth basic taste! We only got sweet, sour bitter and salty but they got

I think one of the best japanese cooking programms has to be cooking with dog. The two main characters of the show are as you might have guessed a dog and this plain jane little japanese housewife (why isnt she my grandma?). But wait until she starts cooking. Effortlessly she whips up the most amazing dishes you have ever seen with the fucking dog watching it the whole time not moving a single inch. And to top it all off the japanese narrator. Yes he speaks english but it still does sound like japanese somehow:-)

See for yourself:

Cooking with dog

Well i better get cooking now cause its dinner time!;-)